
Temperatures risin', it's hardly surprising

Creamer Street studios are kicking along despite the heat and the stink of a mighty New York summer. A smoked fish factory up the road adds brine to the rich olfactory mix established by the exhausted rubbish and industry that surrounds us in our crook of Red Hook.

The last commission was framed and well received and a plethora of exhibition opportunities have arisen since I last plotted word. Tomorrow I fly to Chicago, and drive to Wisconsin for the wedding of a former studio mate, Evan Gruzis and his girl wonder Nicole Rogers. It is at a former Latvian summer camp for boys and girls. I was commissioned to make their invitation.. I won't get lost, as it is a map and after drawing this, it is well and truly situated in my head. I am thrilled, the bride and groom and their circle are a lot of fun and this campsite of sorts blows my tiny mind.
Ahhh canoe time.